Applying Biodegradable Mulches

Farmers lay mulch in the field right before seeding or planting (Fig. 1) to control weeds,conserve soil moisture and get several other benefits during the crop growing season. Mulchthat is…

Biodegradation: A Primer

Biodegradation is the action of microorganisms to decompose asubstance into its constituent elements or new compounds. This is thekey process by which biodegradable plastics are broken down in theenvironment.

Will it store for over a year?

Biodegradable mulches are designed to biodegrade, and weathering and microorganisms will eventually break the products down. Manufacturers do not recommend storing the product for more than one year (i.e., a…

Where is it marketed? How do I get it?

Biodegradable mulches are available from several farm supply distributors, and some products can be obtained directly from the manufacturer. Manufacturers often consult with producers to assure the producer is ordering…

Will biodegradable plastic mulch work?

Biodegradable plastic mulch products are designed to provide the same weed suppression, moisture retention, and soil temperature altering benefits that traditional plastic mulches do. Thicker products are commonly used for…

What does it break down to?

After the mulch is tilled into the soil, microorganisms in the soil break down the biodegradable plastic mulch mainly to water, carbon dioxide, and biomass. The goal of our USDA…